
Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause: Does Everyone Have It? – Jenny Doust, Annabelle Huguenin & Martha Hickey

2023-12-01T13:33:05+11:00Ageing, Diagnostic system, Expanding disease definitions, Publications, Women's health|

In 2014, the North American Menopause Society and the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health recommended using the term genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) to cover a range of genital and urinary symptoms that might be experienced during and after menopause. The [...]

The dilemmas of antimicrobial stewardship in aged care: The perspectives of the family members of older Australians – Chris Degeling PhD et al.

2023-03-01T12:29:43+11:00Ageing, Antibiotics, End of life, Overuse, Prescribing, Publications, Shared decision making|

Antimicrobial resistance makes the misuse of antibiotics in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) a significant concern. Family members influence antibiotic prescribing for RACF residents, but there is limited understanding of the beliefs and knowledge that drive their involvement.

Anticholinergic burden measures, symptoms, and fall-associated risk in older adults with polypharmacy: Development and validation of a prognostic model – Truc Sophia Dinh et. al

2023-01-27T11:39:32+11:00Ageing, Health literacy, Polypharmacy, Prescribing, Publications, Risk|

Anticholinergic burden has been associated with adverse outcomes such as falls. To date, no gold standard measure has been identified to assess anticholinergic burden, and no conclusion has been drawn on which of the different measure algorithms best predicts falls in older patients from general [...]

Surgical plating versus closed reduction for fractures in the distal radius in older patients: a cost-effectiveness analysis from the hospital perspective – Martin Howell et. al

2023-01-18T14:09:58+11:00Ageing, Musculoskeletal, Publications, Surgery, Treatment|

Given the cost differential between surgical and non-surgical management of distal radius fractures, we aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of surgical compared with non-surgical treatment of distal radius fractures in a cohort of older patients.

Global Burden of Disease Study 2019: an opportunity to understand the growing prevalence and impact of hip, knee, hand and other osteoarthritis in Australia – Ilana N. Ackerman et. al

2023-01-18T14:13:27+11:00Ageing, Hip, Knee, Musculoskeletal, Osteoarthritis, Publications|

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis and has been estimated to affect over 2.2 million Australians. While mild to moderate forms of the condition can be managed via non-surgical means (e.g. with guideline-recommended education, exercise, weight management and pharmacological treatments), more severe [...]

Supporting conversations about medicines and deprescribing: GPs’ perspectives on a Medicines Conversation Guide – Kristie Rebecca Weir et. al

2023-01-18T14:17:06+11:00Ageing, Deprescribing, Publications, Shared decision making|

Deprescribing can be an appropriate intervention when a person’s medications shift towards an unfavourable benefit-to-harm ratio due to changes in an older adult’s medications, health conditions, preferences and treatment goals. To elicit an individual’s preferences and to understand their goals of care, it is essential [...]

Patient-Reported Factors Associated With Older Adults’ Cancer Screening Decision-making: A Systematic Review – Jenna Smith et al.

2023-01-18T14:10:19+11:00Ageing, Cancer, Publications, Screening|

This systematic review of 21 studies identified that positive screening attitudes and gaining knowledge and reassurance were associated with the decision to undergo screening, whereas negative screening attitudes and not wanting to know whether one has cancer were associated with the decision to forgo screening. [...]

Genetic variants associated with inherited cardiovascular disorders among 13,131 asymptomatic older adults of European descent – Paul Lacaze et al.

2023-01-18T14:10:22+11:00Ageing, Cardiovascular disease, Genetic testing, Publications|

Genetic testing is used to optimise the management of inherited cardiovascular disorders that can cause sudden cardiac death. Yet more genotype–phenotype correlation studies from populations not ascertained on clinical symptoms or family history of disease are required to improve understanding of gene penetrance. We performed [...]

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