Clinical quality

Clinical care standards for the management of low back pain: a scoping review – Gabriel S. Alves et al.

2024-04-07T13:01:17+10:00Clinical guidelines, Clinical quality, Imaging, Low back pain, Musculoskeletal, Opioids, Pain, Publications, Spinal, Treatment|

The objective of this study is to compare and contrast the quality statements and quality indicators across clinical care standards for low back pain. Searches were performed in Medline, guideline databases, and Google searches to identify clinical care standards for the management of low back [...]

Comparison of Telephone and Video Telehealth Consultations: Systematic Review – Oyungerel Byambasuren et al.

2024-04-06T14:51:43+11:00Clinical quality, COVID-19, Health professionals, Health system, Practitioners, Publications, Virtual Care/Telehealth|

Telehealth has been used for health care delivery for decades, but the COVID-19 pandemic greatly accelerated the uptake of telehealth in many care settings globally. However, few studies have carried out a direct comparison among different telehealth modalities, with very few studies having compared the [...]

Coping with uncertainty in clinical practice: a narrative review – Ian A Scott et al

2023-06-27T17:27:17+10:00Clinical quality, Health professionals, Publications, Risk, Shared decision making|

Uncertainty is intrinsic to clinical practice, affecting both trainees and experienced clinicians. As Sir William Osler wrote: “Medicine is the science of uncertainty and the art of probability”. Limitations in knowledge, complexities of care, and variation in patient preferences contribute to uncertainty. Personal factors such as [...]

Methods for living guidelines: Early Guidance based on practical experience. Paper 2: Consumer engagement in living guidelines – Anneliese Synnot et. al

2023-01-25T15:14:59+11:00Clinical guidelines, Clinical quality, Health policy, Health system, Publications|

Consumer engagement in living guidelines should follow established principles of consumer engagement in guidelines. Conceiving the engagement as living, underpinned by a living process evaluation, allows the approach to be developed with consumers over time.

Preliminary development of recommendations for the inclusion of patient-reported outcome measures in clinical quality registries – Rasa Ruseckaite et al.

2022-03-10T16:22:03+11:00Clinical quality, PROMS, Publications|

Clinical quality registries (CQRs) monitor compliance against optimal practice and provide feedback to the clinical community and wider stakeholder groups. Despite a number of CQRs having incorporated the patient perspective to support the evaluation of healthcare delivery, no recommendations for inclusion of patient-reported outcome measures [...]

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