Big pharma

Childhood vaccine refusal and what to do about it: a systematic review of the ethical literature – Kerrie Wiley et al.

2023-12-01T13:50:01+11:00Big pharma, Ethical considerations, Health policy, Publications, Risk|

Parental refusal of routine childhood vaccination remains an ethically contested area. This systematic review sought to explore and characterise the normative arguments made about parental refusal of routine vaccination, with the aim of providing researchers, practitioners, and policymakers with a synthesis of current normative literature.

Interactions with the pharmaceutical industry and the practice, knowledge and beliefs of medical oncologists and clinical haematologists: a systematic review – Pokorny AMJ et al.

2022-01-06T04:08:06+11:00Big pharma, Conflicts of interest, Publications|

A systematic review investigated interactions with the pharmaceutical industry and how these might affect the clinical practice, knowledge and beliefs of cancer physicians. There is substantial evidence of frequent relationships between cancer physicians and the pharmaceutical industry in a range of high-income countries. More research [...]

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