
Remotely delivered physiotherapy is as effective as face-to-face physiotherapy for musculoskeletal conditions (REFORM): a randomised trial – Hannah G Withers et al.

2024-04-07T14:10:21+10:00Musculoskeletal, Physiotherapy, Publications, Randomised Control Trial (RCT), Research, Virtual Care/Telehealth|

The REFORM trial was a randomised, controlled non-inferiority trial in which participants were randomised to either remotely delivered physiotherapy or usual care . The assessor and statisticians were blinded. The protocol was published and the trial was prospectively registered. Participants were recruited from five public [...]

Perceptions and experiences of paramedics managing people with non-traumatic low back pain: a qualitative study of Australian paramedics – Simon P Vella et al.

2024-04-07T13:51:47+10:00Clinical guidelines, Emergency Department, Health literacy, Imaging, Low back pain, Low-value care, Musculoskeletal, Opioids, Pain, Physiotherapy, Publications, Treatment|

Internationally, non-traumatic low back pain (LBP) is an increasingly common presentation to ambulance services. Consequently, paramedics are often the first providers of care for people with LBP. Australian guidelines for paramedic management of LBP recommend the use of simple analgesia, hot/cold therapy and for people [...]

RECITAL: a non-inferiority randomised control trial evaluating a virtual fracture clinic compared with in-person care for people with simple fractures (study protocol) – Min Jiat Teng et al.

2024-04-07T13:15:38+10:00Imaging, Musculoskeletal, Pain, Physiotherapy, Publications, Surgery, Treatment, Virtual Care/Telehealth|

Most simple undisplaced fractures can be managed without surgery by immobilising the limb with a splint, prescribing medication for pain, and providing advice and early rehabilitation. Recent systematic reviews based on retrospective observational studies have reported that virtual fracture clinics can deliver follow-up care that [...]

HIP fracture Supplemental Therapy to Enhance Recovery (HIPSTER): a protocol for a randomised controlled trial – Lara A Kimmel et al.

2024-02-13T14:11:15+11:00Ageing, Hip, Musculoskeletal, Physiotherapy, Publications, Surgery, Treatment|

Hip fractures result in substantial health impacts for patients and costs to health systems. Many patients require prolonged hospital stays and up to 60% do not regain their prefracture level of mobility within 1 year. Physical rehabilitation plays a key role in regaining physical function [...]

The effectiveness of allied health and nurse practitioner models-of-care in managing musculoskeletal conditions in the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis – Simon P Vella et al.

2024-02-11T15:13:05+11:00Health system, Low back pain, Musculoskeletal, Neck, Pain, Physiotherapy, Publications|

Musculoskeletal conditions are the most common health condition seen in emergency departments. Hence, the most effective approaches to managing these conditions is of interest. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of allied health and nursing models of care for the management of musculoskeletal [...]

Physiotherapists should apply health coaching techniques and incorporate accountability to foster adherence to a walking program for low back pain: a qualitative study – Pocovi et al.

2023-11-01T10:44:37+11:00Back pain, Physiotherapy, Publications|

Participants recently recovered from low back pain reflected positively on a physiotherapist-prescribed walking program. Participants described what elements of the program were crucial to starting exercise and optimising adherence. These findings have informed a list of practical recommendations for physiotherapists to improve patient commencement and [...]

Can language enhance physical therapists’ willingness to follow Choosing Wisely recommendations? A best-worst scaling study – Kharel et al.

2023-11-01T10:05:25+11:00Low-value care, Physiotherapy, Publications|

Physical therapists were more willing to follow recommendations that provided more detail, alternatives to low-value care, and were positively framed. These findings can inform the development of future Choosing Wisely recommendations and could help reduce low-value physical therapy.

Physiotherapists can reduce overuse by Choosing Wisely – Priti Kharel et al.

2021-07-16T13:36:58+10:00Choosing Wisely, Physiotherapy, Publications|

There is increasing awareness of overuse in physiotherapy and the need for strategies to help physiotherapists provide evidence-based care. This Editorial explains why physiotherapy associations need to join the Choosing Wisely campaign, outlines the missed opportunities from physiotherapy associations around the world and proposes solutions to [...]

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