Thyroid cancer

Rethinking low risk micropapillary thyroid cancer: an evidence review for recalibrating diagnostic thresholds and/or alternative labels – Tara Ma et al.

2021-09-20T15:53:18+10:00Cancer, Publications, Thyroid cancer|

Recalibrating diagnostic thresholds or using alternative labels may mitigate overdiagnosis and overtreatment of microscopic papillary thyroid cancer (mPTC). We aimed to identify and collate relevant epidemiological evidence on mPTC, to assess the case for recalibration and/or new labels.

Evaluation of Gender Inequity in Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis: Differences by Sex in US Thyroid Cancer Incidence Compared With a Meta-analysis of Subclinical Thyroid Cancer Rates at Autopsy – Karissa LeClair et al.

2021-09-20T15:07:37+10:00Cancer, Publications, Thyroid cancer|

Thyroid cancer is more common in women than in men, but the associated causes of these differences are not fully understood.  This study aimed to compare sex-specific thyroid cancer rates in the US to the prevalence of subclinical thyroid cancer at autopsy.

Thyroid cancer clinicians’ views and experiences of delayed treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international cross-sectional survey – Brooke Nickel et al.

2024-02-11T15:19:48+11:00Cancer, COVID-19, Publications, Thyroid cancer|

During the COVID-19 pandemic, patients with lower risk thyroid cancer may have had to ‘sit’ with knowledge of their cancer for a prolonged period of time while awaiting surgery. For patients with higher risk cancers, surgical treatments including completion thyroidectomy, radioactive iodine therapy and use [...]

Public perceptions of changing the terminology for low-risk thyroid cancer: a qualitative focus group study – Brooke Nickel et. al.

2019-05-16T09:28:47+10:00Cancer, Disease labels, Publications, Thyroid cancer|

This stufy found a strong and apparently widely held desire for more information surrounding the topic of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Careful consideration of how to inform both the public and current patients about the implications of a change in terminology, including changes to patients’ follow-up [...]

Health-Related Quality of Life After Diagnosis and Treatment of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer and Association With Type of Surgical Treatment – Brooke Nickel et. al.

2019-05-16T15:46:03+10:00Cancer, Publications, Thyroid cancer|

What health-related quality of life outcomes are associated with diagnosis and treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer and do they vary by type of surgery received? In this content analysis of survey responses of 1005 patients with differentiated thyroid cancer, 775 (77.1%) reported issues in their [...]

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