Diagnostic system

Towards consensus on managing high mammographic density in population breast screening? – Alberto Stefano Tagliafico & Nehmat Houssami

2023-06-28T16:05:03+10:00Breast cancer, Breast density, Cancer, Diagnostic system, Imaging, Publications, Screening|

On the basis of evidence from the Dense RCT, the recommendation for broader offer of MRI screening for those with dense breasts may be considered premature by some but tardy by others – what cannot be contested however is that screening tests should be acceptable, [...]

Low back pain of disc, sacroiliac joint, or facet joint origin: a diagnostic accuracy systematic review – Christopher S. Han et al

2023-06-27T17:30:15+10:00Diagnostic system, Imaging, Low back pain, Musculoskeletal, Pain, Publications|

There are informative diagnostic tests for the disc, sacroiliac joint, and facet joint (only one test). The evidence suggests a diagnosis may be possible for some patients with low back pain, potentially guiding targeted and specific treatment approaches.

Health service research definition builder: An R Shiny application for exploring diagnosis codes associated with services reported in routinely collected health data – Kelsey Chalmers et. al

2023-01-25T15:29:37+11:00Definition complexity, Diagnostic system, Knee, Low-value care, Musculoskeletal, Overuse, Publications|

Many administrative health data-based studies define patient cohorts using procedure and diagnosis codes. The impact these criteria have on a study’s final cohort is not always transparent to co-investigators or other audiences if access to the research data is restricted. We developed a SAS and [...]

Diagnostic codes for low back pain, nomenclature or noise? A descriptive study of disease classification system coding of low back pain – Mamata Tamrakar et al.

2023-01-11T16:19:14+11:00Back pain, Diagnostic system, Low back pain, Publications|

To compare and contrast the diagnostic codes for spinal causes of low back pain (LBP) in 3 disease classification systems (International Classification of Diseases [ICD]-10, International Classification of Primary Care [ICPC]-2 PLUS and Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms - Australia [SNOMED CT-AU]) and consider [...]

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