
Fertility treatment pathways and births for women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome—a retrospective population linked data study – Katrina M. Moss et al.

2024-04-07T15:35:55+10:00Fertility, PCOS, Pregnancy, Publications, Treatment, Women's health|

This study used a large longitudinal community-based population cohort to identify the fertility treatment pathways used by participants with and without PCOS and investigate whether any pathways were more likely to result in a birth. Our findings are in line with previous studies showing that [...]

A Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome – Zoe Wei et al.

2023-12-01T13:53:41+11:00Clinical guidelines, Opioids, Pregnancy, Publications, Women's health|

The prevalence of neonatal abstinence syndrome is increasing, but the number and quality of clinical practice guidelines available are unknown. This systematic review aimed to identify, appraise and evaluate clinical practice guidelines for neonatal abstinence syndrome. Methods: A systematic search of databases and the grey [...]

A call to reconsider the new diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes mellitus – Katy J.L. Bell, Paul P. Glasziou & Jenny A. Doust

2023-12-01T13:17:17+11:00Diabetes, Diagnostic system, Gestational diabetes, Overdiagnosis, Pregnancy, Publications, Women's health|

We read the article by Nethery and colleagues with great interest, having noted a similar dramatic increase in the incidence of gestational diabetes in Australia, coincident with widespread adoption of the 1-step test using the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) criteria. [...]

The Conversation – 1 in 6 women are diagnosed with gestational diabetes. But this diagnosis may not benefit them or their babies

2023-08-17T01:27:58+10:00Gestational diabetes, News, Pregnancy, Women's health|

When Sophie was pregnant with her first baby, she had an oral glucose tolerance blood test. A few days later, the hospital phoned telling her she had gestational diabetes. Despite having only a slightly raised glucose (blood sugar) level, Sophie describes being diagnosed as affecting her pregnancy [...]

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